PS Placeable Turns Your PSP-2000 Or PSP-3000 Into A Console

It’s So Cute!

If you have an old PSP-2000 and PSP-3000 then, when stocks return, you can buy or make a PS Placeable to make it look like a Playstation 2 and play your games on a TV or monitor.  This is a great way to make a PSP with a broken screen usable again, since it is sending video to an external device.  You will be able to buy the parts to make it for around $100, or if you want a fully working model with a PSP already installed you’ll have to fork over $275.  Ars Technica includes a link to buy the PS Placeable and a video on how to assemble the kit and get your PSP back to life.

It’s not absolutely perfect, as it can’t magically fix the scaling issues you see when going from the PSP to a TV but for most games that won’t be a huge issue.  You also need to set up a web app to connect your Bluetooth controllers.  There is currently no stock as the PS Placeable is apparently very popular, but you can get in line by placing your order now.

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